
Are you ready? I have something! Shoes, shoes and more "interesting" shoes and overknee boots!

lauantai 30. marraskuuta 2013

Bling (blingistä) tuunaukseen ja takaperin.

I just heard must write in UK language.....WTF??  No way, cause all my own opinions just disappear that way. I know, it´s better to be quiet, but somehow, I feel and I need,  to listen some opera. That makes me really "bad" and boring  person, but can you sit a moment in peace and fly? (fullstop)

Now and again, really?  Just listen....Weeping, it`s amazing, but I still preferred Romeo& you can sing in your red car.................................
 Nothing compares to opera with Josh Groban. (protests and counter-claim is accepted).

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